- You get a custom promo code for discounted tickets
- If you plus 10 others use the code, we will refund you for your ticket after the event (discounted tickets for your friends and a FREE ticket for you!)
- Each person can buy their own ticket with the promo code (If you prefer to buy all of the tickets at once, that’s fine too!)
- If less than 10 friends use the code, that’s okay…you and your guests still receive the discount!
- You can find up-to-date pricing (before the discount) at ChicagoPartyBoat.com. Please note that prices increase as more sell…so the sooner you buy, the better the deal you get!
Fill out the form below & you will receive a custom birthday code via email within 5 minutes!
Please add [email protected] to your email contacts, all emails are responded to within minutes. If you have not received your birthday promo code, please check your spam folder or email Shawn directly.